The ultimate toolkit for 5E game masters, with a reusable party tracker and a monstrous hoard of rules, resources, tables, and tools, all in a deluxe notebook.

Lead the adventure
Keep your head in the game with a reusable game tracker that speeds up combat and holds your party's most important details at the front of the book.
Made for 5E
From combat to conditions, encounters to expenses, you'll find every 5E rule conveniently indexed for quick lookup in the heat of the adventure.

Rich with resources
Create compelling NPCs, captivating quests, and much more with over 50 tables that keep you permanently prepared for your party's antics.
High CR
100% recycled and sustainably sourced paper and a tough sewn lay-flat binding combine to forge a powerful ally you'll feel good about wielding at the table..

Unique black-on-black cover
HeroBook GM delivers a subtle yet striking appearance with a glossy
black design on a matte black cover. Just like the fantasy world that
hosts your campaign, it can appear opaque and mysterious... but a little
bit of light and closer inspection reveals a wealth of inviting details.
Your players get to level up. Why shouldn't you?
No more disorganized notes
No more heavy hardcover rulebooks
No more wasted paper
For game masters, by game masters
2,434 GMs pledged over CA $134,000 on Kickstarter to help bring HeroBook to life in 2019
SEE THE KICKSTARTERReusable party tracker
The party tracker in the inside front cover is coated with a 1.5mil polypropylene laminate that works with wet- or dry-erase markers. Monitor your party's most critical stats like AC, spell DC, and passive perception. Write and erase initiative orders, monster hit points, and status conditions over and over with each combat encounter. Lose the disorganized stack of index cards and run your game smoother than ever before.
5E rules & references
Everything a game master needs at the table is inside: fully indexed gameplay rules, combat, spellcasting, conditions, objects, traps, monsters, and more, all sourced from the 5th Edition System Reference Document. Powerful quick references at the front and back of the book provide easy access to your most commonly needed rules. Simplify your game by combining your DMG, session notes, and party tracking into one beautiful package.
A home for your campaign
The unique 4-in-1 note paper combines lines for notes, grids and isometric dots for maps, and blank pages for sketching. Dedicated session logs help you remember what happened last time. A fillable table of contents helps you find your critical notes at a moment's notice. Blank stat blocks let you track custom monsters, NPCs, pets, and familiars. And, of course, over 50 tables and generators help you create anything your game demands with just a few dice rolls.
High-quality, sustainable materials
A heavy 130lb cover stock keeps your character sheet in pristine shape, and 70lb acid-free satin paper inside provides an excellent bleed-free writing surface that preserves your notes and drawings for eons. The exposed Smyth sewn binding is strong but flexible, so the book opens fully and lays flat on every page. Best of all, it's made of 100% FSC® certified (FSC® C014956) post-consumer recycled and sustainably sourced paper, and printed in a carbon-neutral facility right here in our hometown of Vancouver, Canada.
Equip a +1 Instrument of Writing

By buying HeroBook you help take care of the world's forests
Table of Contents & Specs
Reusable 5E party tracker
Quick references
Reusable blank note page
Quick references
Player character trackers
Initiative tracker
Creature combat tracker
Actions in Combat
Damage Calculation
Trap Danger
Travel Pace
Object AC & HP
Common DCs
Creature Size
Healing Potions
Currency Conversion
Armor Don & Doff
Short & Long Rests
Lifestyle Costs
PC References
Ability Scores
Diseases & Poisons
Armor & Weapons
Adventuring Gear
Expenses & Services
Magic Items
NPC Names
NPC Attributes
Place Names
Book Titles
Food & Drink
Shop, Tavern & Inn Names
Lay-flat Smyth sewn binding
4-in-1 note paper (lines, grid, isometric dot, blank)
Fillable table of contents
Fillable stat blocks
Session logs
A5, 256 pages
148 x 210 x 66 mm
5.8 x 8.3 x 2.6 in
410g / 14.5oz / 0.9lbs
Cover: 130lb FSC® Mixed Paper w/ 1.5mil Polypropylene Laminate
Inside: 70lb Satin 100% FSC® Post-Consumer Recycled Paper

HeroBook for Players
A table full of HeroBook-wielding players is a game master's dream: when everyone at the table has full rules, quick references, and combat actions at their fingertips, you spend less time explaining rules and more time running awesome adventures.
Explore HeroBook